报告题目:Periodic and aperiodic correlation of sequences
主 讲 人:王子龙 教授
时 间:2022年10月25(周二)14:30
地 点:腾讯会议(会议号416673248)
Constructions of sequences with desired periodic and aperiodic correlation of sequences are two completely separate fields in the literature for more than seven decades. In this talk, we first investigate the paraunitary-matrix-based method to construct (aperiodic) complementary sequence sets and complete complementary codes by Butson-type Hadamard matrices. Then we discover an extremely fascinating hidden connection between the sequences in (aperiodic) complementary sequence sets and complete complementary codes and the sequences with (periodic) ideal 2-level autocorrelation, through the trace function and permutation polynomials over finite fields.