报告题目:Two inverse problems for fractional partial differential equations
主 讲 人:徐翔 研究员
时 间:2023年5月5日(周五)下午15:00
腾讯会议: 757-776-602
徐翔,浙江大学长聘副教授。徐翔的研究主要集中在反问题的理论与计算,共发表SCI论文30余篇,其中部分论文被列为ESI高引论文和Inverse Problems亮点收录。曾获得曙光青年学术奖、入选国家人才引进计划青年项目,浙江省特聘专家、浙江省151人才工程计划。主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目,参与国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目、重大研究计划重点项目、国际(地区)交流合作等多项项目。
摘 要:
In this talk, we will discuss two inverse problems for fractional partial differential equations. One is to identify a coefficient by final observation data. The other is an inverse source problem by boundary observation, where the source is assumed to be driven by a Gaussian random field. For both direct problems, well-posedness is shown and numerical schemes are proposed. Moreover, the inverse coefficient problem can be transferred to be an inverse source problem by linearization. And the inverse random source problem can be solved by PhaseLift. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of proposed numerical methods.