报告题目:Infinite families of 3-designs and 2-designs from almost MDS codes
主讲人:曹喜望 教授
Combinatorial designs are closely related to linear codes. Recently, some near MDS codes were employed to construct $t$-designs by Ding and Tang, which settles the question regarding whether there exists an infinite family of near MDS codes holding an infinite family of $t$-designs for $t \geq 2$. In this talk, I will introduce some constructions of infinite families of 3-designs and 2-designs from special equations over finite fields. First, I will present an infinite family of almost MDS codes over $ {\rm GF}(p^m)$ holding an infinite family of 3-designs. Then I will provide an infinite family of almost MDS codes over $ {\rm GF}(p^m)$ holding an infinite family of 2-designs for any field ${\rm GF}(q)$. In particular, some of these almost MDS codes are near MDS. Second, I will present an infinite family of near MDS codes over ${\rm GF}(2^m)$ holding an infinite family of 3-designs by considering the number of roots of a special linearized polynomial. Compared to previous constructions of 3-designs or 2-designs from linear codes, the parameters of some of our designs are new and flexible. This is a joint work with Guangkui Xu and Longjiang Qu.